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Do you and your partner feel prepared for what life will be like in the days and weeks just after birth? New parents often say they regret that they were so busy thinking about the birth that they forgot to consider what they would need to know when the baby arrived. The truth is, most of us weren’t taking care of babies a whole lot growing up, and we’re missing some fundamental village knowledge around the appropriate ways to perceive and respond to our babies.
The fourth trimester (the first three months postpartum) is a complex social, emotional, and physical journey into our “new normal” of parenthood. It is exciting and challenging. As with all life transitions, we thrive best with support in the fourth trimester.
In this intimate and hands-on workshop, which is designed for third-trimester expectant parents and parents of babies who are up to eight weeks of age, we will explore the realities of the fourth trimester. We will build your understanding and skills around these things:
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