I'm a Few Days After Birth, and My Breasts Are Swollen and Painful. Why Did This Happen, and What Do I Do? Updated: August 18, 2019 Tags: engorgement, breastfeeding, swollen breasts, hard breasts, breast pain, overfyldning, overproduction, bryst, brystet, spændte, hævede og ømme brystvorter, ømhed ved armhulerne Ahh, engorgement. It’s an unpleasant but common sign of an important hormonal shift. Giving birth triggers this hormonal shift in the new mom’s body. Usually, as a result of that shift, two to four days after giving birth, the mom will experience an abrupt increase in her milk supply. This happens around the same time as her baby’s stomach grows in size a bit to readily accommodate feeds that are larger than the previous colostrum (the first milk) that the mom had. Read more…